In February 2021 I started taking painting and drawing classes. I had wanted to do it for a while, but always thought I didn’t have time, till it became clear that I needed to do something for myself, something that would fill my heart and Soul and would bring me the serenity I needed at that time. When I started thinking about the classes, I had an Akashic Records Reading done to me for another reason, and at the end of the session an image of me with a painting came through. That was the final push I needed. Painting classes became my Mindfulness practice. For those 2 hours a week I would just relax and let go of all tensions, to-do list and thoughts, and I would just concentrate on the task at hand. Little by little I started painting at home and started painting my own images instead of copying someone else’s paintings.
Why Paintings from the Soul? Before each class I would connect to my Akashic Records to ask my Soul to bring forth any wisdom it had around painting and drawing. And even though I might be “copying” another artist’s work, I was in flow and letting myself enjoy the process trying not to be in my mind but letting my intuition guide me. Of course, my mind and self-critic would come in and make me think I wasn’t doing good enough or the colors were not just right, but who said it was going to be easy to just flow?
I am still in the process of quieting my mind while painting and never pretend to have achieved total flow. In this section I want to share some of my work just to show you how connecting with our Soul can help us in different areas of our life. These pieces, “copied” or “original”, were painted by me while being connected to my Soul’s Wisdom and that’s just what I want to inspire you with.